- What was the nature of your dialogue: how did your mutually influence your choreographic choices? How did you arrive at the 'theme' of your project?
When my partner and I first contacted all we knew was the material each one of us has developed. Maddie had thought about using a shower as her space for our dialogue and I was very happy to hear about it as I have thought about a kitchen. We agreed on first trying our material at the new space. As time passed we 'borrowed' elements from each other. Maddie used some of my movements according to my video in order to be an interaction that we definetely seeked for. I myself, was very much inspired from her theme: routine, which I adopted. So, at first this theme was Maddie's idea but considering my space which was my kitchen, I found myself developing on routine and taking my solo to a next step.
- What changes took place during the process in relation to the nature of the project (place/body/identity) exchanged electronically, artistic challenges that you met and how did you resolve them? (we know the time difference was a challenge from the start- we want you to consider the creative challenges not the circumstantial ones!)
The space was never a problem for us as we immediately decided our locations. Maddie afterwards changed to a different shower but only for reasons of visual aspect. In order to do my solo in the kitchen where the space is much more limited, I adopted movemnts with the furniture, like the chair, tha table and the cupboards. Other than that, I didn't want to use any other elements as I wanted to focus on the kitchen as a backround of a person that needs to escape from it. As we worked independently on the details of our aspect of our dialogue, I ended up having a clear character that I interpreted. A character that symbolizes all women especially housewifes, whose lifes are defined by their contribution in the house. I can't talk about any challenge, because really there was no challenge for us, rather than editing in which Mark helped us. We communicated really well.
- How could you see this project developing given more time?
If we had more time I could see this project develop further more. Personally, I would like to have a life interaction with a big projection backwards. This is why I didnt focus that much on the editing of the video and the way it would be filmed. I was planning to have a live interaction. Anyway, if I could develop more the project I would like to use many kitchens, but the same person. Otherwise I would like to use many women but in the same kitchen in order to show, how all women are same and equal but also unique.
- What were the highlights? new learning? What bit of new knowledge about choreographic practice are you 'taking with you'?
Throughout this project I learned a lot. I learned how to work with someone that I dont know a lot and have no personal relation with, so I dont know his thoughts, his feelings, the way of working and his intensions.
I also learned how to adopt a finished choreography piece in a different space, with different rules and different goals. From the beginning it was very intresting to work on my own on a choreography in ways that I haven't before. I feel very proud about the procedure of the solo from where it started to today. I take with me all the experience on seeking movement and intension of movement on my own and from my personality and experiences.
**OUR VIDEO EDITED DIALOGUE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dCDudNJmaw**
Considering a very good feedback I got from Ioanna Thanou, Maddie's video and some developed ideas of my own, I did the video again.
* Ioanna suggested to use elements from the kitchen like the fridge, the cupboards as 'windows' to connect with my partner. However, I thought I should use those windows as an escape that this woman needs to have. Those cupboards are a part of her routine, but now she (I) tries to find a way to go escape and be something more than that. Moreover the use of cupboards reminds of the way Maddie uses the curtain.
I didn't want to use anything else because that woman is a woman because she exists and not because of the kitchen. So I wanted it to be just a backround, like a cloth that hides the beautiful body underneath it.
* Today I felt very much in the role of that character. Women who are put by others, or by their fault beliefs that it their obligation to be nothing more than housewifes, is something that considers me a lot. Maybe I connect to that feeling from my passion and belief that I will never be in that place no matter what. Nevertheless, through my movement I felt the desperation to escape from the kitchen but also the feeling of my mind trapping the body in the kitchen.
* In everything I do, I like to use what I have, whatever comes in my way even unexpectedly. Today I wore my red robe and as I was setting the scene I saw that the colour made an intresting contrast with all the grey and black. So without planning it much, I put the robe in the chair and in the end used it be covered. (maybe that was my escape= I am not seen anymore).
MY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GoInw12MVk
This is how I am going to film. I want the table to be the lowest surface as I am using it to be under it and create some images where only my hand is visible.
Today, I filmed a first draft of a video. As I was playing around with my movements of my solo, I discovered different versions and forms. I used my hair a lot. I liked that being black, they gave a more dramatic aspect on its movement.
Being influenced by Maddie I focused on routine but also on the revolution, the protest against it that I am very intrested in.
The kitchen is of course a room that relates immediately with routine, especially for women and housewifes. Being absolutely against the supression of women, and their 'responsibilities' of taking care of the house alone I think instictevely I brought up that feeling and thoughts.
MY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mdMl8pTB0U
That's my kitchen.
So far, we have discussed a bit with Maddie about our dialogue. I have some initial thoughts about what I would like to do for our project,
First of all, Maddie wants to use a bathroom and play around with the sense of routine.
Now for me, routine has been an inspirational point in my solo, with the bad and good sense.
I would like to work in the kitchen, firstly because I have worked on the smell sense and secondly it inspires me.
As you see, I really enjoy colour yellow and vintage style.
However I will have to stick to my kitchen.
Which is :
This is not a clear photo, I will update,
So, I m planning to use many movements from the solo, and also taking advantage of the many levels that my kitchen offers, such as the table, the chairs and the high benches.
Working on it and with Maddie will for sure bring up new movements.
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Having a pretty clear view and structrure of my solo, last Thursday I attempted to use a prop. I have imagined a cigarette due to the photo of Anna Karina that I have gotten inspired. However when I attempted it, something was going wrong. I don't know if it was because I have never done it bofore, but eitherway I wanted it just to exist as a part of me. I mean that I didn't mean to use it in hand. I believe that with the prop, I paid much attention to that and not to my movement.
I want to be very accurrate and aware of each movement. Where has it come from, how it has been envolved to this form, what does it mean now?
Using the words (space), (backwards), (repetition), and also (embelissment), (instrumentation) I worked on the choreographic devices. I discovered that from one movement I can create hundreds. I found myselpf working/exploring one circular movement of my right arm and using that for a big part of the solo.
In class I was told that since I am focusing that much on the right arm I should forget the left one and leave it being pathetic. This is something although I haven't tried yet, I m afraid that I will be difficulted as I use to put a lot of tension in my arms.
Still, there are some parts that might be a bit improvised if in one day I feel so. However I think I should stabilize it in order for me to be more confident and give attention to the details. Every time though I find something new and that is good and bad at the same time.
I feel that my piece have become a big mosaic of my thoughts and my inspirational points. I think it is the first time I choreograph with such consience.
This is Anna Karina, she is a actress that for some inexplicable reason I loved from the first time I saw her on a photograph.

My element 'smell' is connected here with her cigarette and actually her smoke that is clear in the photo. On the last two sessions I found myself adjusting my solo considering her. From a move to thinking of her persona.
By far, I sometimes feel that it might come up something completely weird that no one will understand where it came from. However all the moves have such importance and meaning to me that I dont care much. It might not be a choreography in terms of 'dance' but now I realize the procedure behind a choreography and I enjoy it a lot.
The first day, our 'task' was exploring on 'this is me today'. On that particular today I was feeling really tired, I wanted to sleep but at the same time I had many things on my mind such making an important for me call (still haven't done that). Also, after a long time I had spent 3 hours of sitting in a classroom just listening to the instructors of my theoretical courses and not moving like crazy my body. The next time, the moves came easily back to my mind and body but in a different way as of course my 'this is me today' was new.
The first word that came to my mind was 'smell', I thought I didn't like it but it was stuck in my head.On that day, as I was moving something (my clothes?) had such a strong smell for me that lead directly to a memory, a person. That person represents at least 3 years of my life and the sense, the feeling was very socking to let it go.
So yesterday I started focusing on the smell. How my hair smell today that they are freshly washed? How my blouse smells that is full of sweat? That question lead me to new movement or recreation of my previous one.